Sine wave?
Andrew Henshaw
andrew.henshaw at
Mon Dec 23 00:09:52 EST 2002
Bengt Richter wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Dec 2002 13:42:19 -0500, "EC" <vitamonkey at> wrote:
>>Ive been banging my head against the wall for the past few days trying to
>>generate a sine wave... My math skills arent the best, I'll admit, and I
>>think I'm going crosseyed trying to understand this... I *think* the
>>following code should work but it outputs some really weird stuff. I'm
>>sorta new so please help if you can! Thank you
... code snipped ...
> Try this ( just run python and it should generate 2 seconds
> of 2khz at 75% amplitude that you can listen to with media player.
> Also will plot the first 34 samples on console screen, self-scaling
> when it exceeds the display region (right away here). See after this.
> My media player didn't like 4-byte samples, so that was changed, among
> other things ;-)
... code and curve snipped
> Regards,
> Bengt Richter
The original poster might also be interested in the following version (based
upon Bengt's code) that uses the Numeric module for speed and code economy.
from Numeric import floor, arange, sin, pi
import wave
#init output and related vars
samplesPerSecond = 44100
Outfile ="outfile.wav", "w")
Outfile.setsampwidth(2) # 2 bytes for 32767 amplitude
Outfile.setcomptype("NONE", "Uncompressed")
def gen_wav(seconds, frequency, amplitudePercentOfMax):
# calculate frequency as radians/sample
radiansPerSample = (2.0 * pi * frequency) / samplesPerSecond
numberOfSamples = int(seconds*samplesPerSecond)
maxAmplitude = (amplitudePercentOfMax / 100.0) * 32767
samples = sin(arange(numberOfSamples) * radiansPerSample) * maxAmplitude
# round and convert to array of 16-bit shorts
return floor(samples + 0.5).astype('s')
if __name__ == '__main__':
sampleArray = gen_wav(2, 2000, 75)
Outfile.writeframes(sampleArray.tostring()) # little-endian cpu only
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