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Skip Montanaro skip at
Fri Dec 13 12:46:42 EST 2002

    Dick> I suspect that if almost any of us had Cameron sitting beside us,
    Dick> we'd be better programmers, but I don't know that it's fair to
    Dick> extend that concept to cover *all* of Pair Programming. If you had
    Dick> *me* as the other pair half, for instance ...

Long before the "Pair Programming" buzzphrase was invented, I shared an
office with another software engineer type.  If I got really stuck on
something, I'd ask Fred to take a look.  Often, as I was explaining the
problem to Fred, I'd figure out what I'd done wrong.  Fred would never say a
word and walk back to his desk.

I think the world would probably be a better place if everybody had a
blow-up doll to talk to. ;-)

Skip Montanaro - skip at

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