Thoughts from a newbie

Steve stevesusenet at
Sun Dec 15 09:38:16 EST 2002

aahz at (Aahz) wrote 

> Someone already mentioned this, but just to emphasize it, PEP 8 contains
> a list of Python style guidelines, and both of these are covered.

Well, it is hard enough to get people to put comments in their code
and code neatly, let alone stick to a style guide.

I'm guilty on the last one as well with Java.  I've been doing Java
for years.

I like

private void myFunction( String myArgument}
    //do stuff
}// end function myFunction

Sun's _strong_ suggestions for the Java community is

private void myFunction( String myArgument}{
    //do stuff

Which I find hard to read ( you rely on indentation and those brackets
become visual satisfy no real need ).

Thankfully its easy enough with my copy of slickedit to convert back
and forth between the two styles.


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