wxPython - Simple implement (for Newbie)

DP pennedinil at excite.com
Wed Dec 11 04:35:47 EST 2002


I'm new to Python, even newer to wxPython and have very little GUI
programming background. I have a need to develop an application for
folk even thicker than me, and since I like Python, and wish to keep
the source open, thought I'd give this a try.

What I'm trying to do - copy selective files from one directory to
another where the target directory name is based on data parsed from
files in source directory. For this, I'm developing a simple console
program which will ask the user for a directory name, one input string
(comments), a choice question (back up or delete if target pre-exists)
and a window with the results. I'd like these to be wxPython
controls/windows that pop up in sequence as needed during execution of
the script.

Problem I'm having - I've been going over the demo(s) for the past
couple of days, and can't seem to get my brain around wxPython
conceptuially. For e.g.,

- how do I get just the wxChooseDir (sp?) control to pop up, and the
result to be assigned to a variable?
- How do I get a dialog box to come up where user can type in notes
and I assign the same to a string?
- etc.

The windows do not have to persist, and I'm that if anyone can help me
with the simple stuff, perhaps it'll help me get a better "conceptual"
perspective of Python.

BTW I've already coded the application in plain non-GUI Python, I just
want to make the application idiot-proof. Or at least keep it to a

In advance, thanks very much.


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