py2exe: Distributing .py files
Przemysław Gawroński
P.Gawronski at
Mon Dec 16 08:55:48 EST 2002
> Hi!
> Is it possible to create an executeable
> with py2exe which calls a python file,
> instead of building it into the exe file?
> Background: My customer should be able to
> change the python file. But he can't
> if the script is build into an exe.
> I just need a "simple" exe which calls the
> script "". The exe file and the python
> script will be sent to the customer.
Try the 'execfile' statment.
In your main application you can do something like this:
execfile( "", globals, locals )
Hope that helps
Przemyslaw G. Gawronski
Informatyk, Dział Telemetrii, Telemetria, TNS OBOP
tel.: +48 22 648 2044 (-46), fax: +48 22 644 9947
e-mail: P.Gawronski at,
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