ANN: pkalk, and problems with "exec foo in g,v"
Erik Max Francis
max at
Tue Dec 24 19:32:57 EST 2002
Gerson Kurz wrote:
> >>> g,v={}, {}
These are the global and local dictionaries, respectively.
> >>> exec "from math import *" in g, v
> >>> exec "a = lambda x:sin(x)" in g, v
> >>> exec "sin(2)" in g, v
> >>> exec "a(2)" in g, v
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> File "<string>", line 1, in ?
> File "<string>", line 1, in <lambda>
> NameError: global name 'sin' is not defined
> So, my problem is this: I'm using "exec foo in g,v" for statement
> evaluation. I can import math, and conveniently use the math stuff
> (its a calculator, after all). I cannot, however, define a local
> lambda that uses the "global" scope in g,v. Is that a bug or a
> feature?
When you include the local dictionary, by default assignments go in
there. So in your satement
exec "from math import *" in g, v
the contents of the math module went in the _local_ dictionary v, not
the global one, g. This probably isn't what you wanted; you probably
wanted those names to go into the global dictionary, not the local one.
Unless you specifically want to muck around with locals, use
exec S in g
instead without specifying the locals dictionary.
>>> g, l = {}, {} # I renamed your v to l to be a little clearer
>>> exec "from math import *" in g
>>> g['sin']
<built-in function sin>
>>> exec "a = lambda x: sin(x)" in g, l
>>> l['a']
<function <lambda> at 0x815a6f4>
>>> exec "a(2)" in g, l
Erik Max Francis / max at /
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