regular expression - re module

Zoltan Nemeti zmeneti at
Sun Dec 22 18:01:49 EST 2002

Thanks, John, this really helps.
However, it would be a nice thing to create the re.


John Hunter wrote:

>>>>>>"Zoltan" == Zoltan Nemeti <zmeneti at> writes:
>     Zoltan> I'd like to use a general pattern, so only red|green
>     Zoltan> should be specific. For my pleasure...
> This is made easy by the fact that the pattern of interest is always
> at the 3rd position from the end.  Split the names on '.' and test the
> part at index -3 (negative indices count from the end).
> Eg, 
> import re
> rgx = re.compile('red|green')
> names = ('', '', '',
>          '', '')
> for name in names:
>     parts = name.split('.')
>     if len(parts)>=3 and rgx.match(parts[-3]): continue
>     print '%s matched!' % name
> John Hunter 

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