Wet Dream--python to native compiler
stevesusenet at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 14 11:04:11 EST 2002
Laura Creighton <lac at strakt.com> wrote in message news:<mailman.1039843279.31621.python-list at python.org>...
> > Laura Creighton <lac at strakt.com> wrote in message
> >
> > > As I recall, last time we discussed this, we decided that the lack of
> > > an army of grad students at a time when it was possible to get a
> > > Masters or a Phd for writing a compiler was responsible.
> >
> > Why isn't that possible anymore?
> >
> > Steve
> > --
> 1. Universities aren't impressed by Compiler Writing any more. (Been
> done before, they say).
I don't understand that. That is like not allowing a book to be
written for a thesis because other PhD students have written books
before. A book? been there. done that :).
> 2. There are too many languages, so any given Language gets a fraction
> of what they would have got when 'there was Lisp .... and there
> was everything else'. <Smiling warmly at the Lispers who are saying,
> huh? But _nothing_ has changed ...>
A fraction of what?
Too many languages? How assine. The field, its needs, and answers to
those needs evolve over time........but that is one of those things
academics aren't always in touch with.
At my last job I had a friend who was a big BIG fan of lisp.
I was impressed with the capabilities of the language, but IMHO the
Lisp community has to be one of the most enthusiastic and at the same
time one of the most self-sabtoging user communities.
They would love nothing better then to see Lisp become popular again,
but they will not do the things it takes to make it happen ( or they
are, but just not enough ).
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