Music AI Program
Terry Hancock
hancock at
Sun Dec 15 03:14:05 EST 2002
On Saturday 14 December 2002 08:59 pm, Joel wrote:
> I'm trying to find a way to give the computer all the strings. I've
> tried variables such as e4=4 for E string fret 4, with a dummy value of
> 4...all 22 of them for every string, but I'm not really sure what would work
> best. I only finished a Python tutorial a few weeks back!
IMHO, use a dictionary with tuple keys:
notes = {
('E',4): 4,
('F',2): 4
and so on. If you need more than one piece of info attached to each note, use
a tuple. I gather that you mean for this to map to a quality score that your
algorithm is going to use to select notes.
I would also use a mechanism like this to map the note identification tuple
to the means of producing the notes. This could be standard arguments for a
MIDI driver function or even (more advanced, but possibly more flexible) a
lambda or defined function to call the driver (in the latter case a "factory"
class generating callable instances is actually better than a straight
function). This is more flexible, because you can easily alter the factory
to support alternate backend actions: play the MIDI, play on your sound card,
write the data to disk, drive a musical notation generator like MusicTeX, and
so on.
Terry Hancock ( hancock at )
Anansi Spaceworks
"Some things are too important to be taken seriously"
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