Indexing HTML!

John johng2001 at
Sat Dec 28 14:58:17 EST 2002

I have been struggling for the past few days to get this done. I have
a few small document (HTML) collections, each of which will be exposed
on an independent simplistic intranet site (Apache on Linux). I need
some indexing solutions. Need not be anything fancy. Can be slow, take
a lot of space.. I don't care. What I do need is to interface some
free search engines without too much effort to my CGI script. I would
prefer to write this script in Python. So far I looked at SWISH-E,
Lemur and HtDig. SWISH-E was OK but I had to do it in Perl :-(. I did
not find Lemur and HtDig docs useful. Any suggestions? When I started
this work I thought I will find something in a jiffy. Surprised that I
still have very little to base on.


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