Getting hex value of a character

Dennis Reinhardt DennisR at
Thu Dec 12 12:12:29 EST 2002

I am trying to print the hexadecimal value of a string.  In other words, the
string "AB" would print as "4142".  I simply cannot get the formatting
right.  Here is a test case:

    rawg = "g"
    print "hex = %02x" % rawg
    print "hex = %02x" % int(rawg)
    print "hex = %02x" % string.atoi(rawg)
    print "hex = %02x" % struct.unpack("c", rawg)
    print "hex = %02x" % int(struct.unpack("c", rawg))

None of the print statements I have tried above work.  A common problem to
many is that int cannot convert the argument given.  The result I am hoping
for here is "hex = 67".  This must be really simple but I am not getting it
and have consulted the indexes of 4 Python books.


Dennis Reinhardt

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