HELP! Must choose language!

Yu Wang Yu.Wang at
Tue Dec 31 04:50:17 EST 2002

Nick Vargish wrote:

>If you want to learn to program because you're considering it as a
>career, I think Python might be the wrong choice for you (at this
>stage). It will teach you a lot about "how to program", but it is not
>a language with a lot of employment opportunities -- trust me, I just
>spent four months on the market, and only by luck do I get to use
>Python in the office[*]. Getting used to Python might also mean that
>you will be very frustrated when you have to program C++, Java, or
>Visual Basic to make your living.
Yeah.  I'm totally agreed with that.
For commercial usage, python is far from a "perfect" language. You'll 
have to
make a choice among C/C++ , java, or something else. But it will be the 
last one
to choose python.
Nevertheless, I've once encouraged by one article saying "using python as a
prototype language, and then translate inot C/C++, or whatever". In that 
I'm astonished to discover the author is quite confort at python as to 
just keep
the codes as they are---in python.

>If you have a few tasks you want to solve by programming them, Python
>is also a great language. It has a command-line interpreter, so you
>can easily experiment with various approaches to accomplishing your
>Personally, I think the best reason to program is because it's fun and
>rewarding. Python is the most fun programming language I've ever used,
>and that's why I do all my personal projects in Python. I
>occassionally find myself chuckling to myself while I code, because it
>all fits together so beautifully. On the other hand, I'm the kind of 
>computer language geek who taught himself Scheme, Smalltalk,
>assembler, and several others just for the fun of it.
It's interesting to find people like to use python as a "personal 
weapon" to handle
boring tasks. So do I:)
The interprter characteristic of python also make programming in python a
game of imagination.
Think about you can test your idea in dozens of ways, in dozens of seconds.

And, as python is simple to learn, you can always learn python and 
C/C++, or
whatever all. One at a time.

Best Regards!

Yu Wang

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