gettin a list of functions?

P_spam_ at P_spam_ at
Mon Dec 9 11:47:54 EST 2002

Hunter Peress wrote:
> for a given scope how could i obtain a list of functions/methods.
> dir() is too general.
> either this will involve parsing the output of dir() 
> or using the access to the compiler module that I can't figure out.

In addition to the previous suggestions for filtering all functions,
if you want to filter names I find the following useful:

def dire(o, pat=None):
     """like dir, but can filter results with re pat"""

     names = dir(o)
     if not pat:
         return names

     import re
     pat = re.compile(pat)
     def match(name,
        return fn(name) is not None
     return filter(match, names)

def ls(o, pat=None):
     """like dir, but can filter results with glob pat"""

     names = dir(o)
     if not pat:
         return names

     import fnmatch
     def match(name, fn=fnmatch.fnmatch, pat=pat):
        return fn(name, pat)
     return filter(match, names)


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