my solution to "could not import mod_python.apache" problem

christof hoeke csad7 at
Tue Dec 31 15:31:08 EST 2002

sorry, if this already has been answered (i could not find a thread)

> I had this already discussed problem with Apache 2.0.43 and mod_python
> 3.0.1 on win32 machines. Even the simplest python "hello world" script
> could not load:

i still got problems with the config though:

- set PYTHONHOME appropriately
- copied to the apache /modules/ dir
- changed httpd.conf of apache:
    LoadModule python_module modules/

on startup apache has the following in the errorlog:
    make_obcallback: could not import mod_python.apache.

- wanted to add
    AddHandler python-program .py
    PythonHandler mptest
    PythonDebug On

but because of the error before...

all with apache 2.0.43, python 2.2.2 and mod_python 3.01 on winxp.

do i forgot a step?

thanks for any help!

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