Newbie: Database technique

Joe 'shmengie' Brown joe at
Fri Dec 20 21:10:37 EST 2002

Currently rewriting an aplication using Python and MySql.  The Previous
incarnation was written in Oracle/Oracle Forms.  Since I'm a newbie to
Python, I'm writing some kludgy code, and have yet to stumble across a
cleaner way.

There is a bunch of tables to convert and am changing some field names in
the process.  So this kludgy code is appearing in my editor. :o

fields=("User_Role", "PRN_User", "Name", "Home_Phone", "Office_phone",
"Mobile_phone", "Pager", "Fax_No", "Active_user","User_ID")
oc.execute("SELECT " + ( ", ".join(fields)) + " FROM my_users")

i = 1
while 1:
    rec = oc.fetchone()
    if rec == None: break  #my_users

    fields = ("Organization_ID", "UserID", "Name", "Home_Phone",
    "Office_Phone", "Mobile_Phone", "Pager", "Fax_No", "Active_User",

    mc.execute("INSERT INTO my_users (" + ",".join(fields) + ") values
    (" + ("""%s,""" * (len(fields)-1)) + """%s)""", [1,] + rec[1:9] +
    list( role_id) ) print "%5d %-20s %-20s transferred" % (i, rec[1],
    rec[3]) id=mc.insert_id()

Suggestions to make this insert operation more readable?  Moslty I've used
the tuple 'fields' to count the number of columns selected for insert

I'll be writing my frist classes soon :)

Haven't used a generic db class for dynamic access, considering SQLDict.  I
would appreciate recommendations.


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