Applying the Law of Demeter

Max M maxm at
Thu Dec 12 07:54:26 EST 2002

John Ochiltree wrote:
> "Peter Hansen" <peter at> wrote in message

> Also, I've never come across the 'Law of Demeter'. is it something like the
> succession of the priests of Diana :-) Please enlighten me.

It's about hiding implementation behind an interface.

so instead of going through a native data structure direcly by writing::

     mb = MailBox()

You implement a function that hides the data structure, a bit like this, 

     mb = MailBox()

This makes for more robust code, that is easier to refactor later on.

It is a short and simple example I hope can be understood. If not, try 
Google instead ;-)

regards Max M


hilsen/regards Max M
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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