Python's popularity statistics

Mike Dean klaatu at
Wed Dec 11 20:24:49 EST 2002

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 14:49:11 -0600 Aaron K. Johnson <akjmicro at> wrote:
> python 9647
> clipper 8960

Now this is what I find real interesting.  Clipper, right below Python?
I thought Clipper was quite dying, in this client-server world...  does
it still have that big a following?

Also, it is intriquing that C is below both C++ and Java - from a rough
survey of implementation languages for free software on the Internet,
one gets the impression that C is used more (possibly even twice as
much) as C++ and Java combined.  Do they also have such a huge hidden
following, or are there so many more questions in them that they warrant
such a large amount of discussion traffic?

Just my $.02

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