Python as an Object Oriented Programming Language
Cliff Wells
LogiplexSoftware at
Fri Dec 20 18:43:33 EST 2002
On Fri, 2002-12-20 at 08:06, Aaron K.Johnson wrote:
> In message <3E02E842.486B7239 at>, Erik Max Francis wrote:
> > "Aaron K. Johnson" wrote:
> >
> > > Whatever. Go fuck Erik Naggum up the ass if you love him so much. You
> > > even
> > > sound like him, so I know you're an asshole, but at least he's
> > > original.
> >
> > This is not a good way to make friends in comp.lang.python.
> Do you think I care to make friends with people who insult before choosing to
> understand, or who question my ability to 'breathe by myself'?
I can understand this viewpoint and I do agree that Paul's response was
uncalled for. That being said, resorting to puerile vulgarities* tends
to make you look bad rather than the person they were aimed at. If you
must resort to such tactics, it's better to do it offlist. A junior
high playground might be more appropriate (and you would undoubtedly be
perceived as 'cool' by the 7th graders for saying 'fuck').
> I'm not a christian, so I don't 'turn the other cheek'. Anyone who hits me gets
> hit back hard.
I don't see what being a christian has to do with anything. I am not
religious by any definition and still try not to humiliate myself by
tossing around childish insults in public (* again).
Anyway, it is not uncommon for people new to the list to have some
sarcasm tossed their way and overreact. I suspect that if you forget
about it and temper your future posts everyone else will as well. As
for Paul, hopefully he'll learn how to express his surprise in a more
appropriate fashion so as to avoid offending people who know how to
> Tell him to be friendly! I have little patience for the Erik Naggum
> wannabe...I've already experienced the original.
*Unless they are fart jokes, which are irresistably funny to everyone.
Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308 (800) 735-0555 x308
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