Simple Gui for Data entry...

Will Stuyvesant hwlgw at
Fri Dec 13 02:53:02 EST 2002

I dont know about PMW but a good way to bind variables to widgets in
Tkinter is using a Tkinter variable: like ``IntVar``, ``StringVar``.

Typically something like::

 var = IntVar()
 value = 10
 ... here btn = Button(blahblah) ...
 btn.bind('Say Hello', lambda event, b=btn, v=var, i=value:
     (b.flash(), v.set(i)))

if you dont like lambda you have to write a function::

 def btnAction(event, b, v, i):

and do::

 btn.bind('Say Hello', btnAction)

Note this is off the top of my head so um...look in your Tkinter docs
for really working examples with IntVar etc.

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