No macros in Python

holger krekel pyth at
Tue Dec 17 12:28:43 EST 2002

Michael Hudson wrote:
> jepler at writes:
> > I'd rather just write 'with lock: suite'.
> Right.  Here's a proposal:
> with <exp>:
>   <suite>
> is equivalent to
> _x = <exp>
> _x.__enter__()
> try:
>   <suite>
> finally:
>   _x.__exit__()

I like the idea.  but i wonder if these semantics couldn't
be wrapped into a generic python protocol (the ':' indentation operator)
instead of adding a new keyword.  The basic idea is that you can omit
'with' and do


which would still hold the exact same equivalence as above. 
If the parser and the python grammar allows this construct
unambigously then the ':' + indented block would signal
the 'enter/exit' protocol.  

with or without 'with', i wonder if allowing the <exp> part 
to manipulate the execution namespaces (globals, locals) of 
the <suite> wouldn't provide nice features, e.g.:

    class myclass:
        def some_method_which_uses_lots_of_attributes(self):
            with my_exec_in(self):
                # do lots of computations with attributes 
                # use name, email, value directly instead of 
                #,, self.value
                return result

        def some_const_method(self, *args):
            with const_attr(self):
                # as above but you can't modify self's name-bindings
for this to work the 'with' construct (or the ':' indentation operator)
would be equivalent to:

    _x = <exp>
    _x_entered = _x.__enter__()
        if _x_entered:
            _g,_l = _x_entered
            exec code_object(<suite>) in _g,_l

i am not sure how these exec/code_object statements
are implementable, though. 

just my 2 keyword-cents,


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