CPAN Equivalent for Python

Trent Mick trentm at
Thu Dec 26 21:44:42 EST 2002

[Peter Wu wrote]
> Gillou <nospam at> utters:
> > The ppm package in the Activestate distro, not available as a separate
> > package AFAIK
> I find that the PPM from ActiveState is quite limited.

It is because Python's facilities for creating portable, clean, and
standard packages/modules/extensions is not that mature (compared, say,
to Perl's module world). ActivePython's PPM is limited to some common
Python extensions/packages because we (ActiveState) must do a lot of
manual work to ensure that those packages will build, install, and work

Hopefully the implementations from catalog-sig, that Laura mentions,
will bear fruit. Python's core distutils package could also stand to
have some more champions.


Trent Mick
TrentM at

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