Which are the Least Expensive Web Hosting/Web site design companies?

John Hunter jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu
Mon Dec 16 12:43:25 EST 2002

>>>>> "skatz100" == skatz100  <skatz100 at yahoo.com> writes:

    skatz100> I am NOT a techie so the company should have very easy
    skatz100> to use software . to create and maintain the web site...

When I sold my house, I put up a site on freezope.com.  As the name
implies, it's free!  There are no ads or popups.


   skatz100> Also the domain names should be short and easy.

As far as the name is concerned, you'll have to pay for domain name
registration (approx $15/yr) but you can have any name you want point
to your hosted site.  For example, I have http://803egreen.com point
to the free zope site.  As it turns out, I sold the house before
anyone got to see the website....

This is just one option among many, but I was happy with it.

John Hunter

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