grandparents who raped and pillaged

Nick Vargish nav at
Mon Dec 30 14:23:26 EST 2002

grante at (Grant Edwards) writes:

> Are there really votes on alt groups?

There used to be. Somone would get an idea for a group -- in the case
of it was because a lot of people in got tired of
all the "dirty talk" going on -- and they'd hold a CFV (call for
votes). If enough people, and I'm not sure what the target number was,
voted yes then the new group would be created and news admins around
the world would honor the newgrp command as it hit their servers.

You could always send out a newgrp without the CFV (and resulting
flam^H^H^H^H discussions), but it was a lot less likely that news
admins would honor the group's existence.

It was about as cooperative and orderly as any anarchy could be. I
have no idea how it works now... Thank Goddess I just read Usenet
these days, and no longer have to care for the servers or (l)users.


#include<stdio.h> /* SigMask 0.3 (sig.c) 19990429 PUBLIC DOMAIN "Compile Me" */
int main(c,v)char *v;{return !c?putchar(*v-1)&&main(0,v+ /* Tweaks welcomed. */
1):main(0,"Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAqbusjpu/ofu?\v\1");}  /* build: cc -o sig sig.c */

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