opening a text document to show a .txt file throughabrowserlink
Cliff Wells
LogiplexSoftware at
Tue Dec 31 19:47:33 EST 2002
On Tue, 2002-12-31 at 16:14, Bjorn Pettersen wrote:
> > From: Cliff Wells [mailto:LogiplexSoftware at]
> [...]
> > Anyway, if you want to get the last word in, go ahead as we
> > both must be getting tired of this rather pointless and OT
> > thread anyway.
> That is a really poor attitude. As I see it it's pretty clear, programs
I know. I suck ;)
> are programs, and data is data; how can anyone argue that data is
> programs? I mean it's pretty obvious that HTML and XML aren't
> programming languages, since they contain the word "Markup" and not
> "Programming". That's about as clear as it can get. Similarly LISP and
> Scheme aren't programming languages since we all know that "programs" in
> those languages are simply data with a markup that's even simpler than
> XML. For some reason LISP/Scheme programmers seem to be proud of this
> fact... I'm sure that if they were Real Programmers(tm) they'd hang
> their collective heads in shame!
> Of course, Prolog, Mercury, and SQL aren't programming languages since
> they're declarative (not imperative). Similarly Lambda-calculus is not a
> programming language since it is functional. Postscript, TeX, and Latex
> aren't programming languages since they're used to display data (and we
> know we can do that with an editor). Python, Ruby, Perl, and Java aren't
> programming languages since they aren't compiled to machine code. Lex
> and Yacc aren't programming languages since they don't even have loops.
> Logo and Pascal are, of course, only toys, not Real programming
> languages. Finally: SML, Haskell, Dylan, Id, etc. aren't programming
> languages since Real Programmers(tm) don't program in weird languages
> like that. That leaves only C, Intercal, and assembler as real
> programming languages -- which just happens to be the programming
> languages I know, so you know that I'm a Real Programmer(tm), and not
> some hyped up secretary typing documents in a "Markup Language"!
> I mean, just think of it. I spent many years getting my MS in Computer
> Science (on Programming Languages no less, so I know what I'm talking
> about). How do you think it would make me feel if we'd let any script
> kiddie that's spent two days learning to write HTML call themself a
> programmer? Please, stop the insanity!
Well, once Timothy Rue figures out the last of the 9 commands (or maybe
how to actually implement the first) and the VIC comes after all you
uppity CS graduates who tried to stop its master, this will all be moot
BTW, don't think that the ruebot hasn't noticed this thread and decoded
its hidden agenda of preventing him from using HTML to implement the
Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (
(503) 978-6726 x308 (800) 735-0555 x308
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