entries between labels dynamically

Artur Skura arturs at iidea.pl
Fri Feb 15 14:32:35 EST 2002

Chris Liechti wrote:
> Artur Skura <arturs at iidea.pl> wrote in 
> news:slrna6qqs9.b35.arturs at aph.waw.pdi.net:
>> I have a specific problem: I have to create dialogs on the fly, and
>> in those dialog text together with text entries.
> Jython 2.1 on java1.4.0 (JIT: null)
>>>> import java.awt
>>>> f = java.awt.Frame()
>>>> f.setLayout(java.awt.FlowLayout())
>>>> f.add(java.awt.Label("hello"))
>>>> f.add(java.awt.TextField("world"))
>>>> f.add(java.awt.Label("something like that?"))
>>>> f.pack()
>>>> f.show()
> does this go in the right direction? the Layouters in java ATW and 
> SWING make such things realy easy!

Mmm, I don't know what's wrong, but after adding longer entries I
got a result like this:


It's not what it's supposed to be, the second part got lost.
What is more, I will need to compose dialogs with much more text
(whole paragraphs). The software is for kids, they will have to
insert correct word into the text entries. 
Seems I will have to calculate everything anyway...


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