Parse variable into variables >Re: Apology

Timothy Rue threeseas at
Sun Feb 24 20:45:48 EST 2002

Due to my none computer/programming work load I haven't had the time to
look thru the four O'Reily Python programming books and don't spend
enough time programming with python to remember such things that are bound
to be simple, but here is the question:

I can read a line from a file but then I want to parse the line into a set
of variables. How do I do the parse?

If I have to do this a baby step at a time then so be it.

On a related but different note:

Perhaps this will shead some light on the lack of logic and comprehension
of the following person, not to mention his injection of false claims and
insinuations.... I've asked for help, he didn't have to respond but chose
to in the manner below.

On 18-Feb-02 17:35:47 Joshua Muskovitz <joshm at> wrote:
>The Ruebot wrote:
>> If you want to be greedy Phil, to take that job away from me, then give me
>> the tool under the conditions of which I want it.

>So do it already!  You complain that programmers are keeping the keys to the
>kingdom to themselves, and your system will blow those doors open.  If your
>truly amazing design is really able to do that, then why haven't *you*
>empowered yourself and just done it?  Instead, you whine and insult, in
>order to try to convince "us" that we should do it for you.  Why should we?
>Clearly, it doesn't benefit us.  You'll never convince us to give up our
>power.  So instead of harassing us, do it yourself, and then that will
>really show us.  Then you'll have the last laugh.  Otherwise, we'll just
>keep having *all* the laughs.  Especially when we read your posts over
>brandies at the weekly PSU meetings, while we light our cigars with $100
>bills, and chuckle about our complete control over the unsuspecting world.

*3 S.E.A.S - Virtual Interaction Configuration (VIC) - VISION OF VISIONS!*
   *~ ~ ~      Advancing How we Perceive and Use the Tool of Computers!*
Timothy Rue      What's *DONE* in all we do?  *AI PK OI IP OP SF IQ ID KE*
Email @ mailto:timrue at      >INPUT->(Processing)->OUTPUT>v
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