mime multipart messages

Clarence Gardner clarence at netlojix.com
Thu Feb 28 20:53:11 EST 2002

In article <mailman.1014923455.7488.python-list at python.org>,
	Glenn Stauffer <python at dejazzd.com> writes:
> I'm using the MimeWriter module to attach a file, submitted through an html 
> form, to an email message.  When I do this and send mail to a unix machine 
> and read the mail with mutt or kmail, the file is attached to the message as 
> I would expect.  However, when the message is opened on a Mac or Windows 
> machine, the file is mixed into the body of the message.
> This is the code I use to construct the message:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> message = StringIO.StringIO()
> writer = MimeWriter.MimeWriter(message)
> writer.addheader('Subject', mail_subject)
> writer.startmultipartbody('mixed')
> part=writer.nextpart()
> body = part.startbody('text/plain')
> body.write(msgbody)
> part=writer.nextpart()
> part.addheader('Content-Type','application/mixed')
> part.addheader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'base64')
> part.addheader('Content-Disposition','attachment; filename=%s' % 
> form['file'].filename)
> body = part.startbody('application/binary')
> base64.encode(open(tmpfile,'rb'), body)
> writer.lastpart()
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is how the file looks when someone opens it with Eudora on a Windows PC:
> --
> Content-Type: text/plain
> --
> Content-Type: application/binary
> Content-Type: application/mixed
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=README
> PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT09PT0NClRoZSB4bWxycGNsaWIgbW9kdWxlDQo9PT09PT09PT09PT09
> PT09PT09PQ0KDQpUaGlzIGtpdCBjb250YWlucyBhIFB5dGhvbiBpbXBsZW1lbnRhdGlvbiBmb3Ig
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anyone have any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong or where to look to figured 
> this problem out?
> Thanks,
> Glenn

Clarence Gardner
Software Engineer
NetLojix Communications
clarence at netlojix.com

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