Re-throwing an exception without loosing the stack trace

Mats Wichmann mats at
Thu Feb 14 12:14:40 EST 2002

On Tue, 12 Feb 2002 18:08:29 -0500, "Clark C . Evans"
<cce at> wrote:

:Yes.  I didn't try using raise without any arguments.  Cool.
:Funny, this isn't in Learning Python... and raise all by
:itself isn't listed in the syntax in the book.  Hmm.

A teaching text is not going to serve as a complete language reference
- those are separate topics.  I glanced at LP and notice it did
mention re-raising exceptions, but didn't actually give the details
(p. 197). I'm not going to throw stones; as the author of a Python
course, every time I look at it I see something I wish I had said
differently, or included, or ...  

You might consider keeping a Python Essential Reference on hand as a

Mats Wichmann

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