Disabling creation of .pyc files?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Thu Feb 14 08:45:16 EST 2002

    >> It's there for your benefit (imports are faster when up-to-date .pyc
    >> files are present because the compilation step is avoided), but yes,
    >> you can disable it by simply making the directory containing the .py
    >> files read-only.

    Philip> Does this work under windows? I just set a folder read-only (it
    Philip> is an option, but FIAK the 'properties' window might lie or
    Philip> cheat regarging the underling attrib calls, but...), and it
    Philip> didn't seem to prevent me from adding files or changing names...

Can I finesse the issue and just say, "get a real OS"? ;-) Sorry, I don't
recall the original posted indicating the operating system.  On
Unix-oriented systems, making a directory read-only is sufficient.


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