Tkinter and grid: strange alignment with and without sticky option

Dr. David J. Ritchie, Sr. djrassoc01 at
Wed Feb 20 11:24:41 EST 2002

Yes, I see the same thing.  My Python version is:

Python 2.1.1 (#97, Aug  2 2001, 21:53:31)  [CW PPC GUSI2 THREADS] on mac

The Tkinter is the one that came with the Python on the CDROM for
O'Reilly's "Learning Python"
as is the copy of Python.

Running a slightly modified version of the original poster's example
listed below,
I find that the non-sticky red Listbox is horizontally
misaligned by a small amount (probably 1 pixel)
from the following non-sticky
Entry box, the sticky blue Listbox
and the sticky Entry box.

from Tkinter import *

def main():
    root = Tk()
    Listbox(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier",
        bg = "red").grid(row = 0)
    Entry(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier") \
        .grid(row = 1)
    Listbox(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier",
        bg = "blue").grid(row = 2, sticky = W)
    Entry(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier") \
       .grid(row = 3, sticky = W)
if __name__=="__main__":



vtail wrote:

> Hi, guys,
> I have very odd problem with using grid() with and without sticky
> option. Here is my python version:
> Python 2.2 (#28, Dec 21 2001, 12:21:22) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
> I'm using Tkinter that ships with standard distribution.
> Consider the following snipet:
> ----

> snip

> ---
> The code in if..else.. block only differs in whether or not we are
> using a "sticky = W" option

Dr. David J. Ritchie, Sr.
djrassoc01 at

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