Need advice for obfuscating Python code

Alexander Gavrilov gavrilov at
Wed Feb 27 17:16:17 EST 2002

Are you working in Microsoft, aren't you?


"Cimarron Taylor" <cimarron+google at> wrote in message
news:29e28c51.0202270014.61dbd1d0 at
> I have used the following tricks before with Java code, some of them
> should be useable with python.
> 1. Use a source-to-source translator to convert all your class, method
>    and variable names into gibberish.
> 2. Introduce special "dispatch" classes to obscure the communications
>    paths.  E.g instead of calling, call
>    where dispatcher is a dynamically instanciated object.  Have lots
>    of dispatchers and periodically switch them around in meaningless ways.
> 3. Add lots of decoy code.  Put bar() methods in lots of classes which
>    are never used.   Include the gibberish versions of a few previous
>    versions of your code with logic deliberately reversed.  Intermix
>    meaningless logic with the code which does the actual work.  Bulk up
>    your product with a few dozen distributions of other redistributable
>    software.
> 4. Hide some initialization logic outside your program.  Have your
>    program step reload classes.  If your program manages external files
>    (e.g. userids or passwords), have it hide some critical initialization
>    logic there.  Encode some of your program state in records in a
>    which requires a separate initialization and/or installation step.
> 5. Distribute your program in separate pieces. Have your program partially
>    depend on external libraries.
> 6. Partition your program's operation into separate phases and/or
>    Have one process generate code on the fly to be executed by the other.
>    Hide important information in otherwise meaningless status messages
>    exchanged between the two.
> Most of these things will make your program more difficult to reverse
> Heaven help you if you ever need to fix a bug in it!
> Cim

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