ActiveX Questions

Jeff Shannon jeff at
Mon Feb 18 14:43:30 EST 2002

Michael Kelly wrote:

> On 18 Feb 2002 06:04:03 -0800, rony.steelandt at (Rony) wrote:
> >Well i did try it with the same error !
> >
> >Anyone has an idea ??
> Out of curiosity, did they give you a type library
> with the control?

This is important.  As I understand it, without a type library, pythoncom
has no way of knowing which params are [out] params.  Since Python doesn't
have reference semantics like those of C++ or Visual Basic, it cannot use
[out] params in the "normal" way.  So if you're using an interface that
makes use of [out] params, you *need* the type library in order to be able
to use it from Python.  If you're not sure whether you've got one, try
Makepy, as suggested...

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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