Best python way to do 'object messaging'

Philip Swartzleonard starx at
Tue Feb 12 04:40:55 EST 2002

Gustavo Cordova || Mon 11 Feb 2002 01:15:25p:

> Have to taken a look at some of the available MUDs? I believe
> some of them are scriptable as you say, you define an object
> class, which can be anything in the game; you define lotsa
> properties and methods which control the way it interacts
> with the environment.
> The objects you create can be weapons, plants, scrolls,
> monsters, seemingly anything.
> Good luck on your quest :-)

Well, text adventures are the closest thing to this, and I have played 
with tools for making them on and off for years, though i've never 
actually made anything worth a damn. TADS is one of the major languages 
for creating modern text adventures (yes, people still do), and it 
(along with an obscure macintosh language 'Prograph') was where I 
finally 'got' a lot of OO concepts, and i bring a lot of ideas about 
things like object containment and other structural stuff from here. for info on this for links to 
everything that has anything to do with the Interactive Fiction scene.

Hm, i just realized something wierd. I see quite a resembelence of 
differences between Tads and Inform (the other major IF language, seems 
to be object oriented line noise to me...), and Python and Perl...

Philip Sw "Starweaver" [rasx] ::

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