Autocoding evolves from........

phil hunt philh at
Thu Feb 7 08:36:59 EST 2002

On Thu, 07 Feb 2002 01:04:58 -0500, Peter Hansen <peter at> wrote:
>Timothy Rue wrote:
>> On 06-Feb-02 12:48:10 Jeff Shannon <jeff at> wrote:
>> >The problem you're running into, is that you've failed to convince anyone
>> >that *you* understand the real problems involved, enough to be able to solve them.
>> >[...]
>> Since you have taken it upon yourself to be the spokes person for
>> programmers, 
>Actually, we elected him.  Everything he says goes for *all* of us here.
>Keep that in mind as you read the following; Jeff has our complete
>and unconditional confidence and support in this...
>> I'll have to assume that all of you are so lost that you
>> can't tell the difference between three deminsional reality and three
>> deminsional data arrays in the two deminsional world of programming.
>That's clearly true.  Our spokesman is the best of us, and yet even
>he is clearly (so _you_ say... I'm too stupid to tell) out to lunch.

One thing that puzzles me is why Tim wants help: as he says, we're
all too stupid to understand his grand design (as well as being 

Since he is so much cleverer and far-seeing than everyone else, he'll
have to code it himself, as no-one else is clever enough to understand it.

===== Philip Hunt ===== philh at =====
Herbivore, a zero-effort email encryption system. Details at:

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