Can I import an arbitary file?

Peter Ballard pballard at
Tue Feb 26 21:37:41 EST 2002

Fernando PĂ©rez <fperez528 at> wrote in message news:<a5esub$oau$1 at>...
> Peter Ballard wrote:
> > I've written a program (an SRAM generator, if you must know) which
> > has some configuration info (for different SRAM sizes etc.) in a separate
> > file. This configuration file is python code.
> > 
> > What I want to do is import this file. The problem is, this file could
> > be any name at all. What I want to do is parse my command line, and
> > find out the name of my configuration file, and then import the file of
> > that name. Is that possible?
> look at __import__

Thank you. For posterity (and so everyone can have a good laugh
at my coding style), here's what I did...

Previously I used to copy the file (say,
to and have the line "import configtmp" in my code.

Now, the following code appears to be completely equivalent:


import imp

configfilename = "sram_8x8"   # or whatever

fileinfo = imp.find_module(configfilename)
configtmp = imp.load_module("foo", fileinfo[0], configfilename, fileinfo[2])


Thanks also to the other person who replied, but by the time
I saw that I already had my code working :)

Peter Ballard

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