nice to meet you

wrbt whoRunBartertown at
Sun Feb 3 17:31:11 EST 2002

C/C++, java, vb, and the scripting twins (vbscript and javascript) have put
the bread on my table.

I've read things about python in the past but never took the plunge until a
couple months ago. I got ActiveState installed on our server at work and
have been busily converting older stuff and writing newer stuff in python. I
love being able to include scripts without dancing the ssi dance or fooling
with DLL hell. I also love the python language, especially for web apps
since 99% of the time a function used by an active server page is going to
return some combination of a list/hash/tuple. Clean syntax (well the
__whatever__ is somewhat funky) real exception handling and the
aforementioned namespace module resolution have made it a joy to learn and
work with.

I've encountered all the standard "newbie" questions (why the hell doesn't
this method scope my global as global? :)) and found answers. I suspect as I
get more hardcore in the future I'll be posting questions to you fine
people. I've still not dived (dove?) into threading or the socket libraries,
I'm looking forward to it.

Also - I work for a company that tracks vehicles on the internet using GPS .

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