Pythonistas? <- Re: OT: Perl programmers?

Tim Hammerquist tim at
Wed Feb 13 06:55:00 EST 2002

Tim Hammerquist <tim at> graced us by uttering:
>> On Sun, 10 Feb 2002, Fernando PĂ©rez wrote:
>>> Indeed, it's just the Spanish form of the 'ist' English suffix (pianist,
>>> violinist, etc.) It simply means 'who performs an activity'.
>> Could be from a number of languages; I always assumed quasi-Esperanto:
> This may be very likely, but the limit of my Esperanto knowledge is Red
> Dward episodes...

That was "Red Dwarf".

>> Of course, in either Spanish or Esperanto it would more commonly be
>> "Pythonisto" anyway, so who knows.
> No idea about Esperanto, but Spanish ends in -ista, even when masculine.
> eg: dentist (English) --> /dentista/ (Spanish).

I could've explained that better, too.  =)

> Tim Hammerquist

Tim Hammerquist
$ echo `find /mnt/windows | wc -l` wasted directory entries.

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