Developing a GUI program like BOIDS

Magnus Lie Hetland mlh at
Tue Feb 12 17:29:39 EST 2002

In article <mailman.1013544745.1018.python-list at>, Wayne Pierce wrote:
>What is your target platform?
>I typically use Qt for most of my development then if necessary use 
>Gordon McMillan's Installer[2] to package it up.  I've also seen 
>reference to AnyGUI[3], which aims to allow you to program to any GUI 
>with a common API ( least that's what I think it does..).

Correct. Or *almost* any gui, that is ;)

The latest version doesn't really have any support for graphics,
though. (There is some undocumented support for Jython and Tkinter
graphics, but...)

All that will improve in release 0.2, of course :)

> I haven't tried it yet though.


That should be

Magnus Lie Hetland                                  The Anygui Project                        

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