strings and sort()

Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at
Wed Feb 20 22:41:31 EST 2002

"Sean 'Shaleh' Perry" <shalehperry at> writes:
> > Why doesn't sort() return the sorted list.  I would like to chain it
> > to other operations:
> >         b=[x for x in a].sort()
> > 
> efficiency.  Why return the sequence when we usually just need to sort the
> list.  Sort is also a meothod of an object, why should it return a new object
> instead of just affecting the one it belongs to?

I don't understand this reply.  The sort method would be no less efficient
if it returned the sequence:

  def nsort(a):
     return a

The reason it doesn't work that way is so people don't do

   a = b.sort()

expecting to get a sorted copy of b, ending up with a rude surprise
when b gets clobbered.

In Scheme, there's a convention that function names ending with "!"
operate are destructive:

   (reverse x)     ; makes  a copy of list x, in reverse order
   (reverse! x)    ; reverses list x, in place

In Common Lisp, there's a similar convention that the destructive
version starts with "n":

   (reverse x)    ; make reverse copy of x
   (nreverse x)   ; reverse in place

   (concat a b)   ; copy and concatenate two lists, like "a+b" in Python
   (nconcat a b)  ; concatenate in place, like "a.extend(b)" returning a

If there was a built-in sort function, CL would use "nsort" like the
above, and "sort" as the equivalent of "a[:].nsort()" (make a
copy of a, sort the copy in place, and return the copy).

I think Python's definition of "sort" is a minor wart.  It's confusing
that sort doesn't make a copy, and to ameliorate the confusion, sort
is made to not return sorted list, causing inconvenience.
I think the CL approach would have been better, to have separate
sort() and nsort() operations for sorting in place and making a copy.
Or just have nsort, whose weird-looking name alerts the user that it
has special behavior.  

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