importing dlls with python

Trevor Keon tkeon0 at
Tue Feb 19 23:29:07 EST 2002

Hi, I am new to Python, and was wondering if it was possible to import
dlls written in Delphi 5?  I have tried a number of methods to make it
work, and I either get:

An illegal operation in windows,


dynamic module does not define init function (initxxx), 

where xxx is the dll name.  Now in the dll I have added a initxxx
function that returns an int, and have also tried returning a boolean
(also tried using a procedure, same result).  When I export the
initxxx function I get the illegal operation.  For those who are
familiar with Delphi:

function initxxx: Integer;  StdCall;

function initxxx: Integer;

And in the project file:


  If I do not have the export in the project file then I get the
second error (no init function).  Can anyone help me here?  Or does
anyone know another script language that can call dlls easily?  I have
already looked at Tcl and Perl, but none of them seem feasible.

Thanks in advance,


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