Deitel and Deitel Book...

Ron Stephens rdsteph at
Thu Feb 28 17:37:55 EST 2002

Hmmm, very curious to me. I am thinking that , maybe, I enjoy the Deitel
and Deitel style partly because I have little formal academic background
in computer science. Maybe the Deitel books appeal more to those readers
who are relatively lacking in background.

I do think the Deitels use a lot of words to make their points, and
there is a lot of repetition, in that the book is full of highlighted
Common Programming Errors, Tips, and Observations, all of which repeat
points just made in the text. Some might find those Tips needlessly
redundant and time wasters. Likewise, some might find the relatively
verbose text to be overkill, while I find it helps me to understand. And
I tend to learn best by repetition. 

Anyway, its interesting to me. I don't think I can draw any conclusions,
but I tender the hypothesis that the Deitel Python book might be better
for relative neophytes rather than accomplished Python programmers.

I'll no doubt be thinking about this as I read the more advanced
chapters of the book.

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