grammar question

Nick Collier nick at
Mon Feb 25 23:08:48 EST 2002


I've been messing around with parser generators and the python grammar as
it is described in Grammar/Grammar in the source distribution and have run
into something I don't understand. Most of my previous experience with parser
generators has been with smaller grammars and with javacc a parser
generator for Java that allows a look ahead of > 1. Anyway, I thought that
the Python grammar was LL(1) compliant and yet when I translate the
grammar into the Coco/R LL(1) parser generator I get lots of errors like:

LL(1) error in X: Y is start of more than one alternative 
LL(1) error in X: Y is start and successor of deletable structure

Where X and Y are productions such as arglist, etc. Unfortunately, I can't give
the exact errors as they are on another machine at the moment. Can anyone
shed any light on this (even in the absence of the details :) ). 



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