
Jason Orendorff jason at
Sun Feb 10 23:42:02 EST 2002

> [Jason Orendorff]
> > Yep.  If you know what's in _norm() you can do better than I
> > can.  :)  Also, you might pull the first return statement out
> > of the try.
> _norm basically pulls the number and the precision out of the FixedPoint
> instances.  So that would give us this:
>     def __cmp__(self, other):
>         try:
>             xn, yn, p = _norm(self, other)
>         except TypeError:
>             xn, yx = self, float(other)
>         return cmp(xn, yn)

No, instead of "self, float(other)" it should be "float(self), other".

    def __cmp__(self, other):
           xn, yn, p = _norm(self, other)
       except TypeError:
           xn, yn = float(self), other
       return cmp(xn, yn)

This should work with None, and any other object that a float
can be compared with.

## Jason Orendorff

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