Twisted Selector

Lee Harr missive at
Sun Feb 3 21:35:06 EST 2002

I am looking at this Twisted tutorial:
and having trouble with the very first code.

>>> from twisted import threadable
ImportError: cannot import name threadable
>>> from twisted.python import threadable
>>> from twisted import internet
>>> selector = internet.Selector()
AttributeError: 'twisted.internet' module has no attribute 'Selector'

Ok, I was able to get past the first problem. Looks like since
Twisted-0.9.0 when the tutorial was written, they refactored
threadable into a subdirectory, but I grepped the whole distribution
and see nothing called Selector anywhere.

This is with Twisted-0.15.0, but I went back in time to 
Twisted-0.12.3 and still nothing called Selector.

The ChangeLog does not mention Selector either.

Anyone have any ideas?

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