Win32 comport extensions

Spencer Doidge spencer at
Sun Feb 3 01:45:54 EST 2002

In the win32 extensions script, line 102 reads:
rc, data = ReadFile(self.handle, comstat.cbInQue, overlapped)

I don't see the five arguments I'm used to associating with Win32 API's
ReadFile(). The nBytesToRead and lpNumBytesRead args are not there.

I want to use nBytesToRead and the COMMTIMEOUTS parameters to receive
packets, as coded at line 194 of
In other words, I want my receiving routine to use the COMMTIMEOUTS,
nBytesToRead, and lpNumBytesRead to determine when ReadFile() passes the
hOverlapped signal (osReader.hEvent  READ2). Is there a way to do this with
these win32 extensions?
Do I need to create my own extension to accomplish this result?

Spencer Doidge

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