Tkinter widgets: Write options *and* option tags dynamically from dictionary?

Laura Creighton lac at
Mon Feb 4 10:09:59 EST 2002

> Hello Laura and Eric,
> thanks very much for your answer, it has helped me a lot :)

Good to hear it.

> Laura, I don't think,
> widget=widgetType(master, **mydict)
> is necessary. I have tried
> widget=widgetType(master, mydict)
> with mydict={'text':'hello', 'relief':'sunken'}. It worked without the
> two stars.
> Aren't the two stars just necessary for function calls with variable
> length key parameters?
> ByeBye
> Johannes

Fredrik Lundh's Introduction to Tkinter has a warning about this:

        Quoting Fredrik Lundh here:

	For example, if you create a custom widget which needs to pass 
        configuration options along to its parent class, you may come up
        with something like:

              def __init__(self, master, **kw):
                  Canvas.__init__(self, master, kw) # kw is a dictionary

        This works just fine with the current version of Tkinter, but it may 
        not work with future versions. A more general approach is to use
        the apply function:

              def __init__(self, master, **kw):
                   apply(Canvas.__init__, (self, master), kw)

  The ** syntax is just a convenient shorthand for the apply.  It won't
  work before Python 2.0 and you will have to use the apply form.
  apply is documented here

Laura Creighton

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