Guido's intuition (was Re: typetesting, adaptation, typeclasses, ...)

Courageous jkraska at
Sat Feb 2 23:05:40 EST 2002

>Imagine a "Lisp-style" indent!
>if ( some_condition() ) {
>    i = first_i();
>    for (i = first_i(); i <= 10; i++) {
>        initialize_some_stuff();
>        while ( some_other_condition() ) {
>            do_some_more_stuff() } } }

Yeah, one of the reasons that I really have grown
to dislike Lisp is that you basically can't write
Lisp code using standard-style Lisp formatting
unless you also have a Lisp-aware editor (namely,
Emacs). That truly irks me.


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