Tkinter and grid: strange alignment with and without sticky option

vtail vtail at
Tue Feb 12 11:02:25 EST 2002

Hi, guys,

I have very odd problem with using grid() with and without sticky
option. Here is my python version:

Python 2.2 (#28, Dec 21 2001, 12:21:22) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

I'm using Tkinter that ships with standard distribution.

Consider the following snipet:
from Tkinter import *

def main(is_sticky = 0):
    root = Tk()

    if is_sticky:
        Listbox(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier",
            bg = "white").grid(row = 0, sticky = W)
        Entry(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier") \
                    .grid(row = 1, sticky = W)
        Listbox(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier", 
            bg = "white").grid(row = 0)
        Entry(root, width = 20, relief = RIDGE, font = "Courier") \
                    .grid(row = 1)

if __name__=="__main__":

The code in if..else.. block only differs in whether or not we are
using a "sticky = W" option

When running main(0), all is OK. But when running main(1), I see
Listbox moved one pixel to the right.

It all seems very strange for me. Does anybody has any ideas? I really
need your help.

Thanks a lot,


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