Defending the Python lanuage...

Steve Holden sholden at
Tue Feb 12 09:21:04 EST 2002

"Paul Rubin" <phr-n2002a at> wrote in message
news:7xeljqq1lo.fsf at
> Greg Ewing <greg at> writes:
> > I'm not sure that coarse/fine is the right way to describe
> > the distinction even in normal unidextrous (is that the
> > right word?) people. Consider the fact that most right-handed
> > guitar players use the left hand for fingering, and the
> > right hand for the relatively dextrously undemanding
> > function of strumming. Why is that?
> You have to precisely control the timing of hitting the strings with
> the right hand in order to not mess up the music.  Since the left
> hand's actions don't actually make sound

Unless, of course, you use hammered notes, which are made with the left hand
and typically follow a plucked note on the same string.

> , the timing requirements
> aren't so precise as long as stuff happens fast enough.

how-long-is-it-since-i-picked-up-my-guitar-ly y'rs  - steve
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