Is this..... evil?

Michal Wallace sabren at
Sat Feb 9 17:56:20 EST 2002

On 9 Feb 2002, Philip Swartzleonard wrote:

> class Reciever:
>     def message( self, message ):
>         methname = 'rec_' + message.type
>         if hasattr(self, methname):
>             if callable(getattr(self, methname)):
>                 getattr(self, methname)(message)


> Anyway, i was just wondering, since this seems so great, is there 
> anything wrong with doing things this way that i'm not seeing?

I do the exact same thing with web apps. I have an "Actor"
class, which, when you pass it an "action" on the command
line, dispatches it to the approprirate act_xxxx() routine.
It's one of the cleanest ways I've seen to write web


- Michal   sabren at 
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